Linc is one smart little guy. He's adorable and well-behaved to boot. Last time I saw him he was showing me the CD player he got for Christmas. He wanted to play his favorite song off of a pre-school Chinese album he had. Then we listened to his favorite song off a Disney album. Finally, when he saw I was about to lose interest, he said "Do you like Mozart?" "uh...yes." "Me too. Here, I have the CD." So we listened to Mozart. It was beautiful.
Meet the Browns. Amy & Ryan let me chase their cuties around with the camera at a playground on a beautiful fall morning a few weeks back. Zachary stole the spotlight with those big brown eyes...
I love the smile on this one.
And Paige struck a pose in her cute fall get up.
Thanks, Amy & Ryan, for letting me meet run around all morning with you!
Evan just turned 9 months old! He's in the "learning to stand" phase, so he was holding on to anything he could get his hands on to help himself up. Often, we couldn't get him to smile because he was concentrating so hard. As always, he was adorable.
What a beautiful family.
Look at his tubby fingers grasping onto this leaf. I'm sure this was mere moments before he tried to eat it.
I once again got to capture these fun-loving, high-energy brothers on camera. The best part was when we learned half way through the shoot that Max was holding his hand in a fist in every shot so that he wouldn't lose a leaf he had found on the ground. His parents eventually convinced him to let the leaf go, but Max spent quite some time deciding exactly where to drop it into the river.