Friday, August 14, 2009

Cabin Fever.

Last weekend I went up North to a cabin with my family. It was beautiful up by the lake. I snapped a million shots of the sunset, though I think it's unfair to take any credit for sunset photos. They are always gorgeous. I wish everything was that photogenic.

We went adventure canoeing, as well. Adventure, as in there were hundreds of ski boats flying past us, creating a sweet wake for us to "jump". Also, we got really close to some baby ducks, causing mama duck to chase us for the remainder of the trip. It was something out of "The Birds."

We kept extremely busy doing a whole lot of "nothing".

The Disc Golf Nationals course was about 30 minutes away from the cabin, so we ventured out for a game. Most of our time was spent searching for discs in the woods. These frustrations gave me a lot of respect for the PGA golfers' accuracy. Crowds LINE the fairway at that tournament and they never hit a fan. If we'd had a crowd lining the fairway (and I'm surprised we didn't), it would have been tragic.

And some random photos


  1. Great photos Tess! Looks like you guys had fun.

  2. Wow - wonderful pics! Love the color in the first one.

  3. Wow, amazing! Love the photos. You're so talented!
